Blackmails from one of Japanese nationalism person "berryzmusume99"

From this channel
This channel, he called me as a Satanist.

2012/01/07 bad news :(
2012/02/17 Police has no brain! Japanese police sucks!
2012/02/21 berryzmusume99 created new ID and he told many lies again.
2012/11/06 Why is police hated so many people?

Internet world is full of madness!

Horrible many threatening letters.

"殺してやる" means "I'LL KILL YOU!!"

"消えろ" means "You should disappear!"

"弱虫" means "You're a real sissy."

"ゴミ動画削除しろ" means "You're movies are garbage! You should delete all!"

"またブロックですか?" means "Why are you blocked me?"

"早く自殺してください" means "You must kill yourself as soon as possible!!"

"しね" means "You should DIE!!!"

This contains
"He is stalker and now he is starking one woman. And this woman went to police.
If his ID searched on Google, you can see this woman's weblog.
His aggressiveness is very strong and he can't control his emotion, and he has many many troubles.
If you search his ID, you can see all.
he has not sympathy at all, and his behavior is very very crueltylike a demon, I think he doesnt a human.
Be aware of him.
If you watch his channel, don't touch him.
Actually he is mental disease."

You should die!!
You always run away,
you should'nt think you can always run away, GARBAGE!!
You're parents failed to grow you, your parents grew a SATANIST LIKE YOU!

Kill yourself as soon as possible, please!
Our hope is your quickly suicide.
Maybe, your parents hope your suicide.

You should disappear! Your living makes me so annoying! Suicide with your parents!

These two things are all kiki3141592's writings, these are threat.

Obviously, he wrote a lie. If this two things are really I wrote, he doesn't delete one message. But he deleted.
Deleted message is my friend's writings. If someone clicked my friend's link, someone can understand this writings isn't mine.

Past time he sent many messages. He called me as a terrorist and criminal.
He think that British extreme metal band "Cradle of Filth" and this band fans are all Satanist and Terrorist, Criminal, etc.
And he also think these people should be killed or suicide.


Why metal listeners are all criminal?????

He is so crazy, maybe he sent a message "Satanist always cause many terrorism." to Dimmu Borgir, Dark Funeral official channel.

So sadly, now in Japan there is no law to punish him.
And in Japan, people often think that metal listers are criminal.
Past time American Metal Band "MEGADETH" fans called as a child murderer.

Yesterday, my channel movies are deleted by Japan Broadcasting Corporation "日本放送協会" called NHK.
NHK is no famous without Japan.
NHK deleted Cradle of Filth MV "Scorched earth erotica".

"プロ野球2010年7月20日〜" movie is my movie, not NHK!!
If NHK argue that we have this movie's copyright, NHK STOLE MY MOVIE!!!

So many people are telling many lies, these disgusted me.

I said about it to police, but they don't listen at all. Maybe, they're always thinking about their income. This trouble started from one of Japanese figure skater "Mao Asada" fan.
He is very very bad manner, he always stole other's writings. Past time I stole so many writings, and he started to stalking me, now he's continue to stalking.

Maybe, many Japanese figure skate fans are thinking that Kuroneko's stalking is right.
Other country, this is criminal, but in Japan, this is legal. FUCK!!!

berryzmusume99 wrote it. But this is full of lies.

The reason that berryzmusume99 deleted one comment is he was adviced by police, he wrote.
NOOOOO!!!! Japanese police don't advice like this. They don't advice about internet, if they advice, they will advice, "This is important evidence, don't delete it".
He weote "You slander me and you made threaten movie, so I told to police."
He argued to throaten movie is this.

He wrote to me "殺してやる" means "I'LL KILL YOU!", but he forgot all???
He wrote another lie, "You sent to me other ID". NO! I have only one ID. He is always wrote many lies. I can't understand about liar, and I HATE LIAR!!!!
He should be arrested!!

Police told that all I asked to delete, we all asked nifty and youtube. But this takes time about 1 year! No!
About 1 year stalking is comtinue! This is crazy!! Japanese law is so crazy, many childen arrested to their for example he teares a pape or crassh their chair or tabled.
Now Japanese socirty treats adault criminal and arrest littke girls bouys, SOOOOOCRASYYY!!!!!! Abou My fuckin'starlker "KURONEKO" mamybe he kill me , his personal is stalker, always talking abuse, phlegmatic temperament.

If police won't callied "Deadhead", police should be delete weblog ot account too.

Past time Japanese police is sperior team i Heard, but now I'm disappoint police's deahead! Maybe police can't save any people who try to suicide!

Why is police hated so many people?
  1. Police told many lies.
  2. Police is deadhead.
  3. Police arrested many weak persons, but police don't move who kills some women.
  4. Police often mistake and often arrest innocent people.
  5. Police never arrest themselves.
    For example, one day a police of Kanagawa drunk and driven, he broke police checkpoint. But other police don't arrest him for drunken driving.
If police read this writings and if they feel anger, they should do what their jobs.
